[Request] Dracolich Riding Sepulhure swfs

Discussion in 'King Of Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zxcvbnmaustin, 12/21/17.

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  1. Zxcvbnmaustin

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    I'm a bit of a noob, and not 100% sure how certain things work, but from what I can tell working with the trainer, is that you can set swfs for different areas of your body using the "# Menu 4.0" in the trainer.

    Now, what I'm trying to find, are the swfs from Sepulchure while riding Fluffy. I know how to find them, I just can't fight him since I don't have a DA, so I can't look at the page source and find them.

    So if anyone with a DA is willing to spend a few minutes (It doesn't take long if you know what you're doing) finding those, that would be fantastic.

    Oh, lovely, I misspelled Sepulchure in the title.
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