Sold Selling IV Edits, $1 each, 20 for $15 (New policy for pricing)

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by K___2, 12/20/17.

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  1. K___2

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    Hey everyone, like people have done before, I'm offering IV edits for your FEH units.

    Pricing: $1 each, 20 for $15 (New policy, I'm short on time and I'm pretty busy atm, so unfortunately I can't do over 20 for the old $10 price. However, if you're asking for over 30 edits, we can negotiate the price as situation calls)

    There has been some difficulty with obtaining gift cards smaller than $10, so there are a few ways to do this. You can pay in advance for future edits, or if you've picked up some positive rep, I'll take payment when individual purchases add up to $10. I enourage bulk purchase, to make everything easier

    Note: Returning customers get greater negotiation power for bulk purchase

    Payment notes:

    I accept payment through gift cards. However, this site allows you to purchase google play cards using PayPal, so in the end, whatever floats your boat. However, using PayPal gifts has a $10 minimum requirement, so keep that in mind. I am open to alternatives as the situation arises.

    Disclaimer: While people have not been banned for this, I cannot give any assurance IS will not catch you and ban in the future, use at your own risk
    (If you have a friend banned/soft banned account, no risk)

    Process: Items I'll need...

    - Spreadsheet/List of the IVs you want changed. Preferably list the existing IVs, I don't want to have to level up units to find out the IV. I would also like you to put your intended unit in a team if you have duplicates, or at least list distinguishing skill inheritance to tell which one is which

    - I'll then go on. I'll notify you when I start, so please stay off the account for a little while. The more you request, the longer it will take. Give me 24 hours, as I may be busy and unable to attend to your request right away. I will notify you when it is done.

    Notes: Misc

    If you are banned in the future, I will be unable to refund you. I'll assume you've read the bolded disclaimer before using this service

    If you find a mistake, msg me back, I will fix it free of charge. If you catch a large blunder, I will offer extra edits also free of charge.

    Check your skill builds before using the modified units. I may have switched things around as part of the process (I normally remove the weapon, so keep an eye on that)

    I will request the buyer pay at least part of the price first unless you have positive rep. I also suggest setting a temporary password, just to maintain account security.

    I can morph units (ex. turn 4 star Draug into 4 star Klein), but this is only available for friend banned users. I will refuse to # unbanned accounts other than IVs, because bans are guaranteed after performing this #

    PM me or reply with contact info if you are interested, or email me at [email protected]
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