Sold Selling 5year HoT/PoF Account 7 lvl80s

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by naytendox, 12/20/17.

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  1. naytendox

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    I'm finally done playing games for a good while as I just had my first child.
    I'm looking to let go and sell my GW2 account I've had since the game started.
    I may not have any Legendary items but I have a lot of ascended items and I was very, very close to completing the first Legendary Armor Collection.
    My main Character out of the 7 lvl80s I have was a Necromancer(Scourge) whom I've put a lot of time into.
    Here is my main Account Overview and if you want more detailed stuff look here
    If you want more screens of things like gliders, characters, mounts etc. let me know.
    I have purchased a ton of gems in the past and have a lot of items off the gem store.
    Looking to sell via PayPal, Please contact me with a decent offer and we will go from there!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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