Sold BB gt gt gt gt gt gt GOLD 2K BUDGET PM NLNG SA INTERESTED...

Discussion in 'Ran Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Juan Louis B. Geronimo, 3/18/14.

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  1. Juan Louis B. Geronimo

    Juan Louis B. Geronimo
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    Jhay Parado Olarte

    Jhay Parado Olarte
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    area mo?
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    Juan Louis B. Geronimo

    Juan Louis B. Geronimo
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    cavite pero nasa bacolod ako
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    Jhay Parado Olarte

    Jhay Parado Olarte
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    cavite lang din ako dasma/bacoor/imus ! 12b - 2k.
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    Juan Louis B. Geronimo

    Juan Louis B. Geronimo
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    dude via padala yan..wala ako sa cavite... bacolod ako ngyon
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    Jhay Parado Olarte

    Jhay Parado Olarte
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    smart padala pre?
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    Juan Louis B. Geronimo

    Juan Louis B. Geronimo
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    pede... ok lang b sau? smart padala?
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    Jhay Parado Olarte

    Jhay Parado Olarte
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    oo pre yun lang malapit samen dito!
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    Juan Louis B. Geronimo

    Juan Louis B. Geronimo
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    cge kaya lang gold first ako dude kahit half half transaction.. first 6b then padala ako 1k tapos pag ok k kdeal 1k ulit then trade gold nmn...alternate lang para fair
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    Jhay Parado Olarte

    Jhay Parado Olarte
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    ah mahirap kc yan pre! padala 1st kc ako sure seller naman ako pre... san kaba sa cavite pre?
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    Juan Louis B. Geronimo

    Juan Louis B. Geronimo
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    wala ako s cavite ngayon dude nasa bacolod... ok lng kung ayaw moh..hnap nlng ako s iba... nscam n kc ako sa padala first.... kya gold first transact ako ngyon
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  12. PlayerUp

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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    #12 PlayerUp, 3/18/14
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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