Hello, I am selling my account. Account is basicly maxed for newest patch. In storage I gathered most important items for further progression. http://prntscr.com/hpobjy PvE http://prntscr.com/hpobxm PvP I will share details, every single on intrest. Premium lvl 10. I can conclude some number of gold (to be negotiated). In addition in account you have 9 other characters (one of each class), all expect for one (BD 36) are level 50. 3 of them (SIN, FM, SF) are able to raid Skybreak Spire, 1 of them (SF) is able to join Temple of Eluvium and Scion's Keep. All crafting equally distributed among characters, where at least one or more of them has Maxium level in each of craft. I can provide other services, ensurances while negotiating. My discord: Laugh#9503