Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW) Bot Requests

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Silent, 12/18/17.

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  1. Silent

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    Hello, everyone. Given the fact that there is currently no thread for Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW) bot requests, I have decided to make this one. As always, remember to follow the RULES when requesting an Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW) bot and you may only post your game bot request here. Posting it anywhere else will result in a post/thread deletion and you may even be infracted for it if you turn out to be a repeat offender. Do NOT release requested game bots in this thread. This thread is solely for bot requests for Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW). If you want to release a requested game bot, then to do it in a separate thread.

    You MAY post your game bot request in the following format:
    Name of the bot: (Here you may write what you want the bot you want to see released to be named to).
    Purpose: (Here you may write what you want its purpose to be).
    Extra: (Here you may write anything else you wish to add to your request).
    If a user happens to proceed with your request, you will be able to find whatever bot you requested here. They may or may not mention you if they do happen to release it so make sure to check the section in question out often.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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