WARFRAMES: Mesa, Mirage, Excalibur, Zhephir, Ivara, Banshee WARFRAMES PRIME: Ash, Loki, Nova, Nekros, Volt, Saryna, Valkyr, Mag, Nyx and Frost. So many prime weapons. 3-4 prime mods, a lot gold and useful mods. Can screenshot this via email. Event weapons, emperor vandal and smt else idr, can sreenshot it if u want, WEAPON BUNDLES HUNHOW`S GIFT Destreza Finesse Pack, Cosmetics: Ash Koga, Excalibur skins etc. Can screenshot everything if u want. 4 sandanas. 5 color bundles. And a lot other cosmetics. Price - $80-90 Payment method - a gift in Battle.net , QIWI or WebMoney Contact me: Email - [email protected]
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