Selling Selling 2x Grand King Acount (2 Draft tickets per week for life!)

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Svidurr, 12/17/17.

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  1. Svidurr

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    I'm looking to sell my Hex account. The account has 2 Grand King codes redeemed to it. This means that you get 4 copies of every collectors AA that is released for the life of the game (playsets of six different cards per year) as well 2 free draft tickets per week for life!

    The majority of the contents have been removed from the account- all that remains are a few gencon mercenaries and a small sampling of rares from the most recent set.

    The account has quite a few unique sleeves.

    I am asking $1K for the account but may consider slightly lower offers. Please PM me if interested in discussing the transaction. Thanks!
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