What's your favorite/best refund service

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by iGamerPride, 12/15/17.

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  1. iGamerPride

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    Do you guys have any references on who's your favorite or best in your opinion for refund services?

    Want to ask people on a thread because it seems by just looking at User Services, 90% of the refunders are 3 star's and their replies are mostly just "added on skype" not really helpful or something to judge a service by (and views aren't a very good judging point either)

    So from your experience who is your favorite and how was their response times? So far I've tried out 2 different refunders and to me it felt like my order kept getting pushed back, response times became longer and longer and they stopped caring about trying to resolve my issues but who knows, maybe they just got busier or something came up. but that's still not an excuse to leave someone waiting for a month.
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