Sold [H] Cuphead [W] 1k vbucks

Discussion in 'Fortnite V-Bucks for Sale - FN Buy & Sell V Bucks' started by /u/Tirith_Wins, 12/14/17.

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  1. /u/Tirith_Wins

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    vbucks is a currency on Fortnite. you cant gift them so you would have to log into my account and purchase them. 1k vbucks is $9.99. (you also need the game installed to be able to purchase the vbucks)

    I got my Cuphead key from the indie games sweep stake by hydro on the game awards stream. I received the email yesterday giving me my key here is a screen shot.

    Please comment if interested or have any questions. cheers

    # #/Tirith_Wins
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