Selling Selling Lotus boost | 4500+ | Extremely Cheap | # 30% for first 5 people

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by lotus512, 12/14/17.

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  1. lotus512

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    Who are we ?
    We come from Southeast Asia, We are pro player in the area.Since the funding of the team was too low, we decided to open the boost service to keep the team active.
    The average rank of the team is 4500+


    How does it work?

    -Write, speak, shout to Us and You will be heard! We provide our service anonymous, but also any requests that you make will be considered and fulfilled by us if possible
    -After payment is done, we will start as soon as possible, usually order is started
    right away
    -We'll boost your account as soon as we can without delaying without using any type of hacks , bot , exploit
    -If you find cheap I will give you cheaper
    -Leveling is done by hand
    -The person that is leveling your account is located in Sea
    -If the account gets banned during leveling, we will compensate you

    We only accept paypal
    Contact us here [​IMG]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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