Sold Selling I'm selling my account with plenty of warframes and some weapons

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GGeazy77, 12/14/17.

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  1. GGeazy77

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    Reason for selling: I have played a lot and put a lot of effort and time into the account. I lost interest in the game because I spent too many hours playing WF daily.


    I got Loki prime, Nyx prime, Nova prime, Trinity prime(got all parts not crafted), Hydroid prime, Saryn prime etc.

    As of weapons I got Soma prime with 4 Formas, Scindo prime, War, Hate, Dread, Lex prime, Vectis prime, Glaive prime and non-prime, Boltor with all parts but not crafted, Scindo prime not build(one build and one not) and etc. For more info you can contact me on skype: holdem4o

    I'm looking for 120€ but can negotiate.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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