Selling Selling HoN Legacy lvl 82 acc for sale with 80% shop and unique items

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shikica, 12/13/17.

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  1. Shikica

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    Hello there,

    I am selling Legacy account, lvl 82. Account have a lots of content. I will all write them here so you do not think that this is some sort of a scam.

    - 3 Sub Accounts

    - 80 pages of avatars(800+ avatars). I will post screenshot of them now:

    The only thing that you can not find on pictures because it is not in the vault is Knockout Set. Account have whole set.

    - 216 Account Icons

    - Name colors:

    White boxes are special suprises that I can not show because of security reasons.

    - Symbols: 480 symbols, some of them were not available for purchase.

    - Taunts:

    - Announcers:

    - Couriers:

    - Wards:

    - Ascension creeps upgrade

    - Paragon selection circle

    - The whole Paragone upgrade set + whole upgrade set for Silver Midas

    - Super Taunt

    - Nickname change

    The price of this unique account is 700$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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