Selling   Android and iOS Sell account Col ( Serv Blazing Plain EU ) Ranger 65k755 gs rank 3 overall strength top 2 ranger

Discussion in 'Crusaders of Light Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by orphe8869, 12/12/17.

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  1. orphe8869

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    Sell account Crusaders Of Light Serveur Blazing plain EU ( Ranger Scout 65k GS + rank 3 Overall Strength rank 2 ranger ) TOP 1 DPS SERVER / TOP 1 GUILD ALL TITLTE FIRST BLOOD ( deadly blow 20 man Arunas HC lost / first blood down )

    Ranger Scout 65k755 gs / path 63 Rune path / Rune upgrade increase hp 908 points have skills ranger 50 + ( relentless 60 max ) ( razor 58 ) blessed arrow 58 ) .

    Achivements : 9650 / 10000 .

    Equipements : Full Legendary Best equipements at moments FULL Optimized .

    Star circle : ( main Swiftness max lvl 6 damage / crit ) ( Roar lvl 3 ) ( flourish lvl 20 ) .

    GOLD : 674 k gold + 2 holygold in auction 750 k gold x 2 ( helmet pal and vambrace ) .

    Silver : 100 Millions in stock .

    In Bank : 50 + fire spirit in stock / Golen cast iron to upgrade rune path / 25 lendary essence to upgrade equipements / 3
    essence divine / leather / cloth / coton / silk to transmog equipement ( Full set holygold + weapons ) 2 new chest ( Gracious mega giftbox open lvl 55 new update get a legendary equipement / 45 dragon scale / 30 lucky ticket / 20 leaf
    ALL gems 40 diamants + Sparkling 20/30 dps and gem hear of the Sea ( Sparkling Def lvl 20 / 30 ) frost hearth flower of toranis ect ect have much more in bank

    Mount : 27 / 35 ( RARE MOUNT ( BEST MOUNT LIADOR IG ) / GORGANA ) ( Stormage Gruder / Devil Bunny / Frozen mammoth / Keeper of Dreams / Forest Bear / Lightning Shearclaw ) .

    Gorgana HC First Blood and Deadly blow ( first 20 man + ) = down
    Crystalagos HC First Blood and Deadly blow ( first 20 man + ) = down ( Lightning Fast / Fast kill server down )
    Ashroot HC First Blood and Deadly blow ( first 20 man + ) = down ( Lightning Fast / Fast kill server down )
    BAatimius HC First Blood and Deadly blow ( first 20 man + ) = down ( Lightning Fast / Fast kill server down )
    Pulrik HC First blood / deadly strike
    Handy Hammer ( new raid foundry - First blood )

    More information pm me .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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