Selling Selling Selling Account with 17 Mirrage Artes(with dupes)+11K Mirrogems

Discussion in 'Tales of the Rays Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lagusa, 12/12/17.

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  1. Lagusa

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    Mirrage Artes :

    Rainbow Artes:
    Ix - Lvl 60 (fully Enhance)

    Brown Artes:
    Sorey - Lvl 70
    Edna - Lvl 80

    Green Artes :
    Yuri - Lvl 60
    Repede - Lvl 70

    Blue Artes:
    Jude - Lvl 60

    Yellow Artes:
    Luke - Lvl 60
    Tear - Lvl 70

    Red Artes:
    Rutee - Lvl 70
    Reala - Lvl 70

    All Max Level buddy!


    List of 4* and 3* Weapons : <--------------- Click
    me !


    Bunch of upgrade mats!
    Account never miss any event!
    All limited Characters!
    11000 Mirrogems & keep going!

    edit : Screenshot Mirrogems not updated !

    Pm me for fast response!

    Discord : Cheren#7106
    Facebook : SofenWi
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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