Selling  High End Selling EX-Tier KHUX NA Account

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Trongar_0, 11/5/17.

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  1. Trongar_0

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    Selling my 450+ days account because I don't have the time to maintain it anymore!

    Since I've spent about € 24.000 on it you'll have to understand that I want the most of it back! Knowing the game and the players I can say that if you've got to think thrice about this offer, it's not in your budget. If you want a full and straight headstart into the top ranks and plan to use a nice amount of money to stay there, then this might be your chance!

    I'll be using a middleman listing, to make this transaction as safe as possible for you, dear buyer, and me! The game data will be connected to a fake Facebook. account I'll create, and after completing the transaction I'll hand you the login data for the Facebook. account. Accepted transaction methods are Global Bank Transfer and PayPal!


    As you can see, I'm trying to complete all event, special and story quests. But, due to my lack of time, the proud mode quests have to be finished yet. Fenrir is level 21 now, so some proud mode quests are still unfinished, though I'll try to complete as much of them as possible!

    Starlight +35
    Treasure Trove +30
    Lady Luck +30
    Three Wishes +30
    Olympia +30
    Divine Rose +30
    Moogle O' Glory +30
    Sleeping Lion +35
    Counterpoint +35
    Stroke of Midnight +30
    Fenrir +21
    Fairy Stars +35

    All avatar boards complete:

    Amount of special materials:
    (By far enough power gems for Fenrir +35)

    Album completion 94%:

    Spirit level 3, setup:

    Enough EXP & Evolve medals and munny for a lifetime ;)
    Skill & Boost medals:
    1* ATB3Max & Lux+
    1* ATB3Max & GA1
    4* ATB4Max & GA2
    3* ATB4Max & GA1
    1* ATB4Max & Lux+
    4* DEFB4
    3* Second Chance 2


    Nova level over 1.200

    Remarkable medals:


    Name, Boost or not, Guilt, Traits, Skill
    1. Tifa & Aerith, 180%, STR+1000, Extra Attack 40%, ATB3Max & GA1
    2. Sephiroth [EX], Boosted, 180%, no trait, ATB4Max
    3. Roxas Art [EX], 180%, no trait, ATB4Max
    4. HD Xion [EX], 180%, no trait, ATB4Max & GA2
    5. KH III Sora [EX], 150%, Aerial Enemy DEF -60%, Ground Enemy DEF -60%, ATB3Max
    6. KH II Cloud [EX], 140%, no trait, ATB3Max & GA1
    7. Key Art #8, 150%, Ground Enemy DEF -60%, ATB3Max & Lux+
    8. Ill. KH II Sora, 145%, STR+1000 twice, ATB3Max & GA1
    9. Ill. Halloween Sora, 139%, STR+1000, DEF+2000, ATB3Max & Lux+
    10. Key Art #10, 150%, STR+1000, Extra Attack 40%, DEFB2
    11. Key Art "Beginning", Boosted, 150%, STR+1000, DEF+2000, ATB3Max
    12. Key Art "Bonds", Boosted, 150%, Raid DMG+40% twice, ATB4Max & Lux+
    13. Key Art "Sky", 150%, Gauges+2, ATB3 & AP+ & Lux+
    14. Ill. Kairi, 101%, Extra Attack 40%, STR+1000, Second Chance II
    15. Ill. Pride Lands Sora, 180%, STR+1000 twice, DEF+2000
    16. Ill. Terra B, 150%, Raid DMG+40% twice, ATB3Max & GA1
    17. HD Wisdom Form Sora, 117%, Raid DMG +40%, Poison Resist 20%, ATB3Max & GA1
    18. HD Xion, 180%, Sleep Resist 20%, DEF+2000, ATB4 & Lux+
    19. Key Art #9, 150%, Gauges+2, Extra Attack 40%, GA1
    20. Aqua & Stitch, 130%, Extra Attack 40% twice, Gauges+2
    21. HD Ursula, 139%, HP+800, Aerial Enemy DEF -60%, GA1
    22. Ill. Vivi, 150%, Extra Attack 40%, Aerial Enemy DEF -60%, Second Chance II
    23. KH 0.2 Donald & Goofy, 130%, Raid DMG +40%, Aerial Enemy DEF -60%, ATB3Max & GA1
    24. Xaldin B, 100%, ATB3Max & GA2
    25. Sephiroth, 130%, Aerial Enemy DEF -60%, Ground Enemy DEF -60%, ATB2Max
    26. KH 0.2 Kairi, 137%, Gauges+2 twice, DEFB3
    27. HD Namine, 150%, Paralysis Resist 20%, Raid DMD +40%, ATB4
    28. Boss Marluxia, 115%, Raid DMG +40% twice
    29. Ill. KH II Kairi, 150%, Gauges+2 twice, Triple Threat
    All medals listed above got +1000STR, +1000DEF, -20Cost!
    Of course there's a big bunch of other guilted Tier 4, 5 and 6 medals!

    Nothing left to say, buy it if you want, ask questions if you have them!

    PS: The screenshots are a bit older, new addings are:

    Ill. Kairi [EX], 200%, no traits, Second Chance II
    Ill. Kairi [EX], 3dots, no traits, no skill
    Ill. Aqua B, 180%, Paralysis Resist 20%, Raid DMG +40%, STR+1000, no skill
    Art "The World Ends with You", 3dots, Paralysis Resist 20% twice, STR+1000, no skill

    Total boost medals:
    10x 5*Chip, 97x 6*Chip, 15x 5*Dale, 57x 6* Dale, 30x Mirrors, 4x Fantasia Mickey B, 20x Cid10, 3x Magic Broom

    Total special materials:
    8x Orichalcum, 22x Power Gem, 2x Speed Gem, 6x Magic Gem, 24x Sun Gem, 2x Moon Gem

    Middleman Buy Now Link: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. AD_Lirio

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  3. OP

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    Lowered the price for the account to $9500!

    New medals:

    Illustrated Marluxia [EX], 4dots, Extra Attack 40%, HP+800, Paralysis Resist 20%, no skill
    Key Art #12, 132%, Paralysis Resist 20%, Raiddamage +40%, Sleep Resist 20%, SP GA1 (one left for rerolling)
    HD Ava [EX], 200%, DEF+2000, no skill
    HD Ava [EX], 3dots, no trait, no skill
    Ariel, boosted, 137%, STR+1000, Poison Resist 20%, no skill (one left for rerolling)
    HD Ira [EX], 5dots, no trait, no skill
    Dual Wield Roxas [EX], 3dots, no trait, no skill
    HD Invi [EX], 5 dots, no trait, no skill
    HD Final Form Sora, boosted, 167%, STR+1000, no skill (two left for rerolling)
    HD Larxene, boosted, 119%, Paralysis Resist 20%, no skill (two left for rerolling)
    358/2 Days Black Coat Riku, 5 dots, no trait, no skill
    HD Zexion, 1 dot, no trait, no skill

    Total boost medals:
    25x 5*Chip, 94x 6*Chip, 21x 5*Dale, 49x 6* Dale, 106x Mirrors, 9x Fantasia Mickey B, 16x Cid10, 2x Magic Broom

    Total special materials:
    9x Orichalcum, 35x Power Gem, 11x Speed Gem, 15x Magic Gem, 24x Sun Gem, 4x Moon Gem

    Skills available:
    ATK B IV Max & GA 0; 1medal
    ATK B IV Max & GA 1; 2medals
    ATK B IV Max & GA 2; 4medals
    ATK B IV Max & Lux+; 2medals
    ATK B IV & Lux+; 1medal
    ATK B III Max & GA 2; 1medal
    ATK B III Max & Lux+; 1medal
    ATK B III & Lux+; 1medal
    DEF B IV; 4medals
    DEF B II Max; 1medal
    SP ATK GA 1; 1medal
    Second Chance II; 3medals
    And a bunch of lower ones, including Paralysis+, Poison+ and Sleep+

    All Spirit Avatar Parts except for the ones in the pig deal.
    Spirit Level 5, Esuna and Second Chance activated.

    This can change anytime in the future, to the better of course! As you can see I'm waiting for the next guilting campaign to guilt some of the medals, like the Foretellers or DW Roxas EX. I'm also progressing slowly through proud mode, as time lets me play, so the blades will get stronger eventually.

    Nova Level over 1300 now!

    New Middleman Buy Now Link: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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