[Info] BEBypass Very Easy - GG very happy my god

Discussion in 'Blackshot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DangeBlazer, 12/12/17.

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  1. DangeBlazer

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    I did not strive for the complete bypass, I always thought it was very difficult to create a monster of 7 heads, I will never reveal the secret of the complete bypass, I am very happy to never think of doing this in life hahahaha very happy my god
    I'm not a programmer, just an love you that has managed to do the impossible, all my efforts and desires to seek knowledge was worth it very much, and today learn to do the complete bypass in BlackShot SEA and Global

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    Finalmente dominei todo esse jogo hahaha, não pensei muito para conseguir esse resultado, não esperava que iria conseguir isto Nimja te amo mano, ainda bem que você não revelou o segredo hahahaha hoje sou um burro feliz, não quero mais nada esse foi a ultima coisa que gostaria de aprender!!!

    não vou liberar método de bypass completo, nem falar nada relativo busquem conhecimento, frase do ET Bilu!!!
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