New Middleman Required!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Dave84311, 12/11/17.

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  1. Dave84311

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons


    So, what are Middlemen and what do they do?
    Middlemen provide users with a quick, painless, and safer way to trade accounts and items. As well as do investigations on scammer accusations.

    The requirements to be a Middleman consist of the following:

    • The ability to investigate, and possibly detect a scam.
    • To assist members with their trades if they so desire using the upcoming playerup Trading App
    • Extreme activity, patience, and professionalism.
    • Well known and active around the playerup marketplace.
    • At least 500 posts to even be considered.
    • At least have four months in the site to even be considered.
    • No serious past or pending scammer investigations.
    • Familiar with how the entire scam reports & investigations process goes.
    • Must be proficient with the English language.


    • User-tag and name color. (Shown above)
    • Some Staff Benefits.
    • Possible promotions to Minion and above.

    Application Format:
    Name: (Nicknames are fine)
    Availability: (Be honest, you will be held up to this.)
    Do you have school/work? (If so what are the usual times and days you will be away)
    Location: (Country + Timezone)
    Game(s) you can MM for:
    Email: (the one you will be using to MM)
    Language(s) Spoken:
    Do you have access to payment services?: (IE: PayPal)
    Are you staff or special member in any other site?: (What position/Group)

    All other posts will be deleted and could result in an infraction or ban.
    Do not solicit people for "support". It is pointless to do so and doing so will result in your application being deleted.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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