Sold Selling Selling GW2 account (3 leg armor sets, 10 leg weaps + 2 skins, HoT + PoF)

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gw2account4sell, 12/11/17.

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  1. gw2account4sell

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    Selling my Guild Wars 2 account (value 93,5k gold). I'm original owner, playing since start. Good account to grab and play in every game aspect, especially raids (1k LI), FoTMs (150 AR+), WvW (1200+ rank)


    Precursors: WvW leg backpack precursor, Storm, Frostfang

    1400 gold
    9 shared slots
    12 character slots
    Silver and copper salvage-o-matic
    Captain Airship Pass
    Every raid achievements/titles (w1-w4)
    1000 Legendary Insights in sum (750 for 3 leg sets and 250 in bank)
    400 laurels
    1.700.000 karma
    5k spirit shards
    13k magnetite shards
    40k bagdes of honour
    Personal guild bank with a lot of resources in it (excluded from gw2eff value)
    10 Gifts Of Battle
    Every craft maxed (xcept scribe)
    Every class maxed and geared and both elite specialisation unlocked (3 of them 5 years old, good for birthday gifts)
    LS3 and HoT content unlocked and 99% completed.
    A lot of ascended weapons / trinkets / unopened chests (about 70 of both weapons and armor with Tyria and HoT stats)
    Cosmetic items such tonics, infusions.
    ...and so on, ask if you want to know.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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