Selling cabal online EU - Mars Blader lvl 200

Discussion in 'Cabal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tomaz11818, 12/11/17.

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  1. tomaz11818

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    Hello, i'm selling account or just character -> Blader max level/OXp=56lvl, Merit points 12580, Honor 16rank 91,95%.
    All runes, ring craft 2000, amity craft 6120, have 2 pets lv10 and the blader attack power is 5162
    /4945defence power.
    arcana of chaos is only +6, +8 failed so 200att power less.
    Have no tempus or aft ring.
    also new costume from box Archfiend Armour:rolleyes:
    more info: skype tomazs17
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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