Sold Selling Selling very cheap warframe account, quicksell, read the end for payment

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jigagummyz, 12/10/17.

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  1. jigagummyz

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    selling an MR8 warframe account with:
    Ash prime r27
    Banshee prime r13 forma1
    excalibur r9 forma1
    frost prime r25
    hydroid prime r20
    Ivara max forma1
    mesa max forma3
    nova prime max forma4
    saryn prime max forma1
    valkyr prime max forma1
    ember prime max forma 3

    Weapons: Paris prime max forma1
    soma prime max forma4
    ignis max forma4
    vectis 21
    Akstiletto prime max forma1
    orthos prime max forma1
    scindo prime max
    other basic weapons

    carrier prime /w sweeper prime & vaccum

    asa syandana, broca prominence syandana, centuria syandana, ki'teer solstice syandana, kyroptera syandana, pyra syandana, repala syandana, vistapa prime syandana

    riv elite guard set
    daedalus set
    eos set
    eos prime set

    banshee immortal
    nova immortal
    excalibur onyx & predator
    ivara youkai
    saryn amalgama
    valkyr gersemi
    mesa falcon hat

    color palettes:
    easter, fire, grineer, infested, smoke colors

    MODS (only valued ones listed here)
    primed cont r8
    primed flow r7
    blind rage r7
    berserker max
    chromatic blade max
    continuity max
    condition overload max
    bleeding willow max
    constitution max
    energy conversion max
    firequake max
    eternal war max
    flow max
    fleeting expertise max
    growing power max
    heavy caliber r6
    hells chamber r0
    high voltage max
    intensify max
    mailgant force max
    lethal # max
    narrow minded r7
    overextended max
    pistol pestilence max
    rage max
    power drift max + r0
    pilfering swarm r0
    regenerative molt max
    resonating quake max
    streamline max
    split chamber max
    toxic flight r4
    transient fortitude r7
    vital sense max
    vicious frost max
    vile acceleration max
    thermite rounds max
    bladed rounds max
    blood rush r6
    convulsion r3
    cryo rounds r4
    corrosive projection max
    fury r4
    infected clip max
    hornet strike r5
    serration r5
    steel charge max
    stormbringer r4
    shimmering blight max
    target cracker max
    organ shatter r4
    pistol gambit max
    point strike max
    pressure point max
    metal fiber r5
    redirection r8
    true steel r4
    vaccum max
    vitality r7
    MUCH MUCH more mods, mostly unimportant some are somewhat valuable
    7350 endo

    i currently have 325k creds and 5 plat

    i have completed war within, have all the starchart unlocked except some parts of sedna

    i have 52 - 55 days for the daily tribute

    I only accept currency/hearthstone codes

    add me on skype turas26 for screenshare, ill show everything

    price is around 100$-200$ willing to negotiate, want to sell quick.


    - - - Updated - - -

    there are also minor stuff like operator cosmetics, animation sets, and more...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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