Sold Selling selling Elsword International Account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by silvarion790, 12/10/17.

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  1. silvarion790

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    I have 7 characters with max cap lvl.

    1. Blade Master (Raven)
    2. Deadly Chaser (Chung)
    3. Asura (Ara)
    4. Demonio (Lu/Ciel)
    5. Erbluhen Emotion (Ain)
    6. Arme Thaumaturgy (Ain).
    7. Lunatic Psyker (Add) (incoming)

    etc :

    1. Rune Slayer lvl 88
    2. Crimson Avenger lvl 80.
    3. Bloodia lvl 18

    Equipment + other stuff :

    1. 5/5 4D Henir Dimension (Ain have pendulum, Chung have cannon, Add have Dynamo)
    2. 2/2 Heroic Wrath + 2/2 Heroic Wisdom = M. Atk set (Chung have Heroic Wrath Cannon).
    3. 6/7 + 7/7 MEL (Mysterious El Lord Chronicle) in Lu/Ciel
    4. Asura has 48 bank slot (platinum member)
    5. Shared bank has 16 slot.
    6. Chung has AD 8/10 (not have normal hair and leg wing).
    7. Luciel has SG 8/10 for both Lu and Ciel.
    8. Raven have Thanatos Blade.

    for transaction I striclly using Paypall or using Western Union.

    message me through my email : [email protected]
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