[Release] || ENZINE LITE || UNDETECTED || 12/9/17 | Pasted Cheat | Good For Backtrackng

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lastfalki, 12/10/17.

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  1. lastfalki

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    Hi guys, this is my first csgo release... which is a paste =/

    Features :

    - pistols use psilent
    - snipers use aimbot
    - everything else uses rcs + aim
    - sniper aimspot is pelvis
    - everything else is head
    - triggerkey is alt
    - static delay of 100ms

    - allows you to shoot the enemy at their previous position
    Backtrack indicator
    - shows the ticks of the enemys previous position you can hit

    - glow
    - skeleton
    - health
    - jumps as soon as you hit the ground

    Recoil Crosshair
    - a crosshair that shows the recoil position


    ht tps:/ /im gur.co m/a/TJI vP
    menu : h ttps:/ /im gur.co m/a/uTBU q (gif)

    Types of BANS

    VAC Ban - It scanned your computer's memory and found a [Detected] # running on your computer. The # you used is indeed [Detected].

    Permanently Untrusted Ban - Scanned actions from aim #/triggerbot/recoil. The # you used is NOT [Detected] But the injector also can be detected.

    Overwatch Ban - Anti-Cheating Valve Investigators watched you playing and deemed you to be hacking on your account. The # you used is NOT [Detected].


    h ttps:/ /w ww.virust otal.com/#/fi le/39ffb39723b4 b703192dc1cccf0749efd4 b5625259c3 351988d f59f8a72c24c/dete ction (99% clean)
    htt ps:/ /vir usscan.j otti.or g/en-U S/files canjob/565xa uew3l (100%)

    Enjoy! /kewlman
    Downloadable Files
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