Sold Selling 1300+ DS, Imperial +4, Vikemon +4, LKM +1(LS), fragments for +4 and more!

Discussion in 'Digimon Links Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FBUser9016, 12/10/17.

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  1. FBUser9016

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    Selling Digimon Links account with everything that's included in the pictures:
    Lordknighmon +1 is from the Beginner Pack, so his LS is Major S.Atk Boost.
    All the digistones are F2P gained, saving since the release date and only pulling for chip events.
    Locked digimon are 10-slotted for arena, have enough fragments to turn that Okuwamon into Rosemon +4 and 21 fragments for CM +4.
    Vikemon +4 is fire resistant and Imperialdramon +4 is dark resistent, Kuzuhamon base rookie is Gazimon, Princemamemon evolved from a Mamemon so i don't know his rookie form and i evolved that Gallantmon to secure his evolution line into CM.

    Payment via paypal friend and family only unless you can get an playerup verified middleman
    PM me with your offer and we can discuss the price

    Thanks :D
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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