Selling Selling Overwatch boosts on pc/xbox na and eu! Very cheap prices! Bronze to top500!

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chillbilly, 12/9/17.

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  1. Chillbilly

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    Hello. My name is Chillbilly, some of my friend and I would be glad to boost to your liking, so far we have four people which are qualified boosters. One of them being me, I do both NA/EU on PC and my three other friends are from Europe and they are consistent top500 players who have peaks of 4500 and 4600 peak sr. As well as me, my peak was 4572 playing primarily zarya and hitscan. PAYPAL ONLY***
    Per 50sr for Each rank—
    Silver— $1.5
    Gold— $2.5
    Platinum— $4
    Diamond— $6
    Masters— $8
    Grandmasters— $14
    Rank to Rank boosts—
    Bronze to Silver— $5
    Silver to Gold— $10
    Gold to Platinum—$15
    Platinum to Diamond— $25
    Diamond to Masters— $50
    Masters to Grandmasters— $75
    Add me on Discord at Chilly#2017 or Shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] to discuss more in depth details
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