Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by Jameson Christoph Pascual, 5/18/15.

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  1. Jameson Christoph Pascual

    Jameson Christoph Pascual
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    RELEASED CLASH OF CLANS # ! UPDATED! V.2.10 Follow my easy steps 1. Share this post (optional) 2. Download clash of clans resources # >>> http:// clashofclansresourceshack clashofclansresourceshack.apk 3. Install it. 4. Clear the data of Clash of Clans. How? Go to settings on your phone>apps>Coc>Clear data 5.Open It. 6. Complete Form. [NOTE: Enter valid contact number. How to find 6 digit security code? Go to (Google Settings on your phone > Security> Security Code> select an account.) ] Security code will secure or prevent your account from being ban. 7. Click Login. 8. Go to next page. 9. Enter value of resources. 10. Click Generate #! (NOTE: you must wait 30 Mins.) 11. Open COC. And Sign In. if still not generated repeat from step 4 12. ENJOY #
    #1 Jameson Christoph Pascual, 5/18/15
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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    Neo Andre Lee

    Neo Andre Lee
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    Legit ??
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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    Blayne Spalding

    Blayne Spalding
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    Ryan Malonzo Ramos

    Ryan Malonzo Ramos
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    Heto mangyayari sa inyo
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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