Sold Selling Kickstarter Ruby pledge only.

Discussion in 'Crowfall Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xfrm, 12/9/17.

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  1. xfrm

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    I've come along to the ride and selling my kickstarter ruby pledge.

    Usually low ballers should step aside and go away from here.

    (name your price if you're reasonable)

    So grab your wallet and have the chance to own a kickstarter ruby pledge.

    What does Kickstarter ruby offer?
    1x Extra VIP KS1x Pack Pig
    1x Forum Badge/Frame - Ruby Patron KS
    1x Credits - Ruby Patron KS
    1x Digital Game Copy
    1x Arcane Weapon set - KS
    1x Quarterhorse-KS
    1x Digital Art Book
    1x Digital Sound Track
    1x Unique Character Name (reserved)
    1x Warhorse-KS
    1x God Statue (1 of 12) - KS
    3x Character Slot
    1x Nightmare Mount-KS
    3x Cottage
    1x Bank size +20%
    1x Name a Fallen Hero
    1x Reserve Guild Name
    30x (1 cell) Farmland Parcel (standard)
    1x Name a Fallen Monarch
    1x Expanded Colors Guild Heraldry
    1x Alpha 1
    1x Name a Location
    2x Villa
    1x Divine Cathedral
    1x Expanded Symbols Guild Heraldry
    1x Custom Guild Heraldry
    1x 6 cell Stronghold-medium castle/CountCountess
    1x Launch Party Invite
    1x All Father Statue w/Blessing of Knowledge (KS exclusive)
    1x Stoneborne Relic
    1x Centaur Relic
    1x Dwarven Blacksmith Thrall
    72x One month VIP
    1x 6 cell Stronghold-small castle/BaronBaroness
    1x Company Garrison
    1x Physical Collectors Edition/KS + 25

    Your account shouldn't be banned from crowfall
    Your account should have 2A Factor activated
    You're paying first through paypal directly sent as friends and family

    (if you don't have the option as friends and family pay the entire fees of paypal)

    Evidences of owning Kickstarter ruby pledge


    Summary I am selling the kickstarter ruby pledge not my account. If you want my account please pay above $1160 USD.
    Respond here if you're interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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