Selling Selling Trove Mid Game Account

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by Lo_Zo, 12/7/17.

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  1. Lo_Zo

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    Selling a trove mid game account.


    :Rev Lvl 27 Pr: 3676 (Can reach 10k if you move gems, hat, face, and ring from SH to Rev
    <Extra info: Class gem. Steller Spear>
    :Shadow Hunter Lvl 20 Pr: 9248
    <Extra Info: Class gem. Full Stellar Gems And Gear>
    :TR Lvl 20 Pr: 2432
    <Extra Info: Some radiant gems cept water. Stellar Staff>
    :NN Lvl 20 Pr: 2221
    <Extra Info: No Gear. 2 Radiant Empowed Gems>

    Other: ALL CLASSES ARE UNLOCKED. All are over lvl 10. Some over lvl 10 since I was messing around
    Note: This account is not meant to be an end game account. It is simply a mid game account where you have a fairly powerful class but can choose whatever class and build you want.

    Extra Things: 5 Total Days of patron. 1 Double Xp potion. Many ST keys and some Hard ST keys. 2 class gem keys. 4 Shaper Stars. Mastery 153. 3 Full Dragons. Some other adult ones and feedlings. Lots of mounts.

    Asking for $110 because i spent a lot of time and some money into it

    $110 PayPal - OBO
    No Middle man because I am to broke you buy that.
    Can go into a discord call to talk with you till the deal is made
    Password will not be given until i see that the payment went through. I have been scammed way to much because of that.


    Discord: Mr. Meeseeks#9414

    Will provide screenshots if asked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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