I managed to make d3d menu with a working hook,,, i can draw already in game... but the problem now is in the Getbone Position.. whenever i get bone position for my ESP to draw lines,boxes and other stuff it is crashing CF... heres the code that i Use: Code: void GetBonePositionX(cObject* obj, UINT Bone, Transform* Trans) // by ~FALLEN~ // { DWORD CShellBase = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("CShell.dll"); unsigned long pLTModel = *(unsigned long*)(CShellBase + aLTModel); // aLTModel = 0x100F0B4; __asm { MOV ECX, pLTModel MOV EDX, DWORD PTR DS : [ECX] MOV EDX, DWORD PTR DS : [EDX + 0x60] //aLTModelOffset for CFPH PUSH 1 PUSH Trans PUSH Bone PUSH obj CALL EDX } void GetNodePosition(cObject* obj, UINT Bone, D3DXVECTOR3 &Out) { Transform Trans; GetBonePositionX(obj, Bone, &Trans); Out = Trans.Pos; Out.y += 5; } } and the classes Code: struct cObject { public: char _UnkSpace[4]; D3DXVECTOR3 Body; D3DXVECTOR3 Foot; D3DXVECTOR3 Head; }; struct UnkStruct { char _UnkSpace[0x1194C]; short CurrentGun; char _UnkSpace2[3]; char IsMutant; char IsVisible; bool IsDead; }; struct Transform { D3DXVECTOR3 Pos; char _UnkSpace[0x100]; }; class cPlayerPos { public: char _UnkSpace[0xDC]; D3DXVECTOR3 Pos; }; class cLTPlayerClient { public: char _UnkSpace[0x4b8]; cPlayerPos* pPlayerPos; char _UnkSpace2[8]; float Pitch; //4C4 float Yaw; //4C8 }; struct cPlayer { char _UnkSpace[8]; cObject* Object; char ClientID; char Team; char Name[12]; char _UnkSpace2[2]; UnkStruct *unk; int PlayerSlotTeam; int unkStruct1; bool Has_C4; int State; int Rank; int unkStruct2; int unkStruct3; short Health; short Kills; __int32 Deaths; __int32 HeadShots; __int32 TeamID; __int32 Ping; }; Whenever i call this one Code: D3DXVECTOR3 Body = GetBonePosition(oPlayer->Object, 2); D3DXVECTOR3 Head = GetBonePosition(oPlayer->Object, 6); CF will crash.. Any help or... suggestion.. I dont think its in my hook.. It should be in the asm part