For sale! Good account! Needs to go quick! Please help me move Game of War account for sale cheap Kingdom : Shara 26 Power : 10.5m Stronghold : 18 Troops : 50k pikemen, 45k guardians, 45k calvary, 85k siege ( all t3 ) VIP : 10 Gold Mine : 16 ( 200 gold per day ) Loyalty points : 1.5m Speed ups : 80 hours worth Starting price : 60$ All research is at tier 3, traps included. Lots of other research is done too. Comes with 1 food farm, ready to be farmed! Tons of materials and gems ready to be crafted! Moving and need money ASAP! Please message me your offers starting at 60$!! Thats the strongest, cheapest account around! Best starter pack around! So much time and effort has been put into this account, would like to sell to a serious buyer!