OMG Guys theres A store to crack

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by cornerpath, 12/5/17.

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  1. cornerpath

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    I will not disclose what store it is but damn forget kohls, Macy's, uber, Starbucks and all the other stores you guys cracking/scamming
    Dudes, this store is probably the best store of all time to crack/scam. playerup marketplace will never get anything that surpasses this!!
    I literally got 400$ worth of GCS in two days. Righ now I have 125$ of GameStop gift cards then I'm getting more tomorrow to get A ps4.
    Man like its so cheap, my guy was selling the stuff to me for 10$ for A huge amount, then I just go to the store show the GC number
    then profit got the gift card.. 50$ get me 250$ worth of points to spend on gas

    so I can get 250 in gcs in one day easily or buy more that same day get get way much for that day tommorow imma try to get 800$ in gamestop
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