Selling Im selling White Wing Colossus (A) and im...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Michael Nadeau-Rousseau, 8/26/12.

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  1. Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    Im selling White Wing Colossus (A) and im looking for a midnight Valkyrie or a White wing of hope. I accept Eps as well or really good offer. Thx :)
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    Stephan Mittwoch

    Stephan Mittwoch
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    how much ep?
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    Offer me :-p ive already got like 20 ep offer so you can offer more?
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    if you are still looking for one, i just got another one yesterday and i can sell it to you for 10 eps. The price are lower because a lot of people summonned it
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