ID: 1702940874 DJ Masterbear Just got a Death Call Covenant in my prize summons. Also picked up a White Winged Sky Pirate. Both are A. Since DCC seems to be a good one, I'm gonna make this specific My formation is WWSP, WWE, Valk, Venessa, ___...I wanna improve it. I'm thinking WWH, and what else would go well in there? Also looking for Asura A and Hilda A
Wow. I wonder what the cutoff was from rank 200 to thnk I can land that thing right now with a decent enough package featuring DCC and WWSP?
If you want one, you must offer a large amount of EPs. I don't think DCC and WWSP will help with the offer.
Im still trying to decide. I guess trying to trade her for victoria would be pointless....i need twight valk, wwoh, and clarissa...lillin....what is wwoh going for?
yeah...well I should be able to land at least a couple of those brutes. Clarissa is done already without burning dcc or wwsp...and it's only twilight, not midnight valk...i wonder if i can get wwoh lol...greedy...
Il'l let em go for less if that's what you mean...I think I used a couple of the B's, but picked up another A.