Selling   [Selling Account] Pokeland Legends Account Selling

Discussion in 'Pokeland Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ronoddo59, 12/4/17.

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  1. ronoddo59

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    Selling my pokeland legends (VIP 13) account. Account is in level 95. I can sent all profile and or pokemons screeshots whoever intrested in. Here are some special pokemons which are listed below;

    - Black kyurem
    - White Kyurem
    - Origin Groudon
    - Unevolved Kyogre
    - Zygarde 50%

    - Lunala
    - Mega Diancie
    - Celebi
    - Ho-Oh
    - Mega Rayquaza
    - Xerneas
    - Tapu Lele
    - Tapu Fini
    - Tapu Koko
    - Deoxys
    - Thundurus
    - Tornadus
    - Landorus
    - Xurkitree
    - Dialga
    - Arceus (with earth, meadow, icicle, zap, splash plates at max)
    - Azelf
    - Victini
    - Giratina
    - Mega Tyranitar
    - Yveltal
    - Raikou
    - Entei
    - Lugia
    - Registeel
    - Regice
    - Regirock
    - Zapdos
    - Moltres
    - Articuno
    - Kartana
    - Latios
    - Latias
    - Super Sableye
    - Jolteon
    - Manaphy
    - Ash's Greninja
    - Charizard X
    - Charizard Y
    - Garchomp
    - Goodra
    - Sky Forme Shaymin
    and more

    Team power: 5119648

    -500 Daily diamonds from arena, 500 daily diamonds from riot, 200 diamonds daily from month cards, 100 diamonds daily from gyms, daily diamonds from guild war rewards differ.
    -Reach Floor 60 Battle Tower daily with main team
    - Easy 1st place head to head pvp
    - Top power at the time of this posting
    - Top Mount at the time of this posting
    - Easy 1st place EXVS for flashing more pokemon
    - Found in number 1 guild in server

    If you want to check my account sent me direct message to learn server and id
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP

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    Selling my pokeland legends (VIP 13) account. Account is in level 95. I can sent all profile and or pokemons screeshots whoever intrested in. Here are some special pokemons which are listed below;

    - Black kyurem (shiny)
    - White Kyurem (shiny)
    - Unevolved Kyogre (shiny)
    - Mega Diancie (shiny)
    - Zygarde (%100) (shiny)
    - Origin Groudon (shiny)
    - Cobalion (shiny)
    - Meloetta Pirouette Forme
    - Tapu Lele (shiny)
    - Tapu Fini
    - Tapu Koko (shiny)
    - Lunala (shiny)
    - Kyurem
    - Azelf
    - Celebi (shiny)
    - Deoxys (shiny)
    - Ho-Oh (shiny)
    - Thundurus
    - Tornadus
    - Landorus
    - Mega Rayquaza (shiny)
    - Xerneas (shiny)
    - Xurkitree
    - Dialga
    - Arceus (with earth, meadow, icicle, zap, splash, fist, insect, stonei pixie, dread, spooky plates)
    - Victini
    - Giratina (shiny)
    - Mega Tyranitar
    - Yveltal
    - Raikou (shiny)
    - Entei
    - Lugia
    - Registeel
    - Regice
    - Regirock
    - Zapdos
    - Moltres
    - Articuno
    - Kartana
    - Latios
    - Latias
    - Super Sableye
    - Jolteon
    - Manaphy
    - Ash's Greninja
    - Charizard X
    - Charizard Y
    - Garchomp
    - Goodra
    - Mega Alakazam (shiny)
    and more

    Team power: 6075368

    -500 Daily diamonds from arena, 500 daily diamonds from riot, 200 diamonds daily from month cards, 100 diamonds daily from gyms, daily diamonds from guild war rewards differ.
    -Reach Floor 60 Battle Tower daily with main team
    - Easy 1st place head to head pvp
    - Top power at the time of this posting
    - Top Mount at the time of this posting
    - Easy 1st place EXVS for flashing more pokemon
    - Found in number 1 guild in server

    If you want to check my account sent me direct message to learn server and id
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. OP

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    Likes Received:
    Selling my pokeland legends (VIP 13) account. Account is in level 95. I can sent all profile and or pokemons screeshots whoever intrested in. Here are some special pokemons which are listed below;

    - Black kyurem (shiny)
    - White Kyurem (shiny)
    - Unevolved Kyogre (shiny)
    - Mega Diancie (shiny)
    - Zygarde (%100) (shiny)
    - Genesect (shiny)
    - Meloetta Pirouette Forme (shiny)
    - Marshadow (shiny)
    - Origin Groudon (shiny)
    - Cobalion (shiny)
    - Tapu Lele (shiny)
    - Tapu Fini
    - Tapu Koko (shiny)
    - Lunala (shiny)
    - Kyurem
    - Azelf
    - Celebi (shiny)
    - Deoxys (shiny)
    - Ho-Oh (shiny)
    - Thundurus
    - Tornadus
    - Landorus
    - Mega Rayquaza (shiny)
    - Xerneas (shiny)
    - Xurkitree
    - Dialga
    - Arceus (with earth, meadow, icicle, zap, splash, fist, insect, stonei pixie, dread, spooky plates)
    - Victini
    - Giratina (shiny)
    - Mega Tyranitar
    - Yveltal
    - Raikou (shiny)
    - Entei
    - Lugia
    - Registeel
    - Regice
    - Regirock
    - Zapdos
    - Moltres
    - Articuno
    - Kartana
    - Latios
    - Latias
    - Super Sableye
    - Jolteon
    - Manaphy
    - Ash's Greninja
    - Charizard X
    - Charizard Y
    - Garchomp
    - Goodra
    - Mega Alakazam (shiny)
    and more

    Team power: 6837807

    -500 Daily diamonds from arena, 500 daily diamonds from riot, 200 diamonds daily from month cards, 100 diamonds daily from gyms, daily diamonds from guild war rewards differ.
    -Reach Floor 60 Battle Tower daily with main team
    - Easy 1st place head to head pvp
    - Top power at the time of this posting
    - Top Mount at the time of this posting
    - Easy 1st place EXVS for flashing more pokemon
    - Found in number 1 guild in server

    If you want to check my account sent me direct message to learn server and id
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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