Selling Selling Selling big5 at cheap price- 25 euros per each one

Discussion in 'Urban Rivals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Irelia4blades, 12/4/17.

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  1. Irelia4blades

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    Hello, guys. it's me again.

    i would like to sell the following big 5:

    2 Dj Korr Cr full xp;
    1 General Cr 0xp;
    1 Guru Cr full xp;

    As stated in the title, the price is 25 euros per big 5, except General Cr 0xp, which i can sell for 22 euros.

    Transaction by paypal, you send 1st the money and i'll send the cards afterwards within 24 hours.

    Thanks for reading! :)
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