Selling I'm looking to trade for one of the following:...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mikel Shipman, 11/29/12.

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  1. Mikel Shipman

    Mikel Shipman
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    I'm looking to trade for one of the following: Deep Dark Demon (reg) Wretched Black Wing Balrog (of course) Magic Light Dragon Nether World Dragon Blazing Dragonoid Devil of the Endless Night Black Wings of Despair Either reg or + for any of those except DDD (I only need reg). I will be trading, not buying so please no offers for EP or anything like that. I'm down for buying with gold if need be. I've done that many times and it's easy enough. My list of tradeable creatures are: IMPULSE Crimson Lion Guardian+ Ladon+ Blood Blob+ Lord of Gluttony Devil Ripper Beelzebub x2 Scorn Black Wings Child of Pit Swelling Blob (Ally Invite Summon!) Cruel Black Wings COVERT Lindwurm+m Hell Hammer Spider+ Hell Schythe Mantis+ Jade Rhino Beetle+ Uncouth Child+ Parasitic Centipede Sky Navy Slayer Lost Woods Leshy Great Horned Warrior Uncouth Child Demon Bait Insect Hell Hammer Spider PSYCHO Fafnir+m White Winged Oracle+m Time Void Golem+ Lord of Massacre+ Slaughter Bee Queen+ Elf Commander Catoblepa Aspidochelone White Winged Oracle Evilmoth Child of Purification Crystal Dragon Fafnir Tiamut Platinum Golem+ SKILLS Slumbering Breath (4 Stack x2)(2 Stack x1)(1 Stack x1) Up Party ATK (4 Stack x1)(3 Stack x1) Down Enemy ATK (3 Stack x1) Venomous Breath x1 Up Party DEF (2 Stack x1) Down Enemy DEF (2 Stack x1) Preemp Strike (2 Stack x1) Impulse Down x1 Agility Up x1
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    Huy Dung Pham

    Huy Dung Pham
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    Do u trade wow+m and 2 stack of IPA (3) (4) for DDD reg
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    Mikel Shipman

    Mikel Shipman
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    I already traded for ddd. Got anything else?
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    Huy Dung Pham

    Huy Dung Pham
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    No, only got devil of abyss and the rest r psycho demon & brute
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