Selling This is my current list: AA: Dragon of Neptune...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Neal Codere, 12/19/12.

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  1. Neal Codere

    Neal Codere
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    This is my current list: AA: Dragon of Neptune (Level 4) - [N/A] A+: Crystal Dragon (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Death Valley Serpent (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Druj Nasu (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Lightning Core (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Lindwurm (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Metal Shell Seeker (Level 1) - [Skill N/A] Sear Djinn (Level 70) - [Skill 20] Seeker Quadriga (Level 1) - [Skill 1] A: Ancient Huge Statue (Level 1) - [N/A] Beheaded Lunatic (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Blade Giant (Level 1) - [N/A] Blood Blob (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Devil of the Abyss (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Dream breaker priest (Level 1) - [N/A] 2x Fafnir (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Grieving Mandrake (Level 1) - [N/A] Horned Veteran (Level 1) - [N/A] Hydra (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Lord of Sloth (Level 1) - [N/A] Naga Level 1) - [Skill 1] Paimon (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Parasitic Centipede (Level 1) - [N/A] Pure Light Embodiment (Level 1) - [N/A] Pure Dark Embodiment (Level 1) - [N/A] Rampage Gargoyle (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Refined Horned Fighter - A - (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Ring Dragon (Level 1) - [N/A] Slaughter Bee Queen (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Sprout Dragon (Level 1) - [N/A] Sturdy White Wing (Level 1) - [N/A] Terra Ogame (Level 1) - [N/A] Thundercloud Vulture (Level 1) - [N/A] Time Void Golem (Level 1) - [Skill 1] Two-Faced Devil (Level 1) - [N/A] Skills: Imuplse Down(1) Preemptive Strike(1)
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    Derek Anderson

    Derek Anderson
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    what for neptune lindwurm sprout and terra?
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  3. OP
    Neal Codere

    Neal Codere
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    they're all gone now, i just have a few, sorry.
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