Selling Selling Ashes of Creation Kickstarter Braver of Worlds Key

Discussion in 'Ashes of Creation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hastig, 12/3/17.

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  1. Hastig

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    Hello, I'm selling my AoC KS KEY as I've lost interest in it, the package was bought for 500$ on during the kickstarter event of Ashes of creation and the key has since been laying in my email.

    This is the braver of worlds package which includes the following:
    Braver of Worlds

    Invite to Closed Alpha - Phase 1 (Earliest Access to Ashes!)
    Kickstarter Exclusive - Lifetime subscription to Ashes of Creation!!
    Access to Live launch head-start - 2 days early!
    Kickstarter Exclusive - Dawnbreaker Epic mount
    Kickstarter Exclusive - Character Royalty Costume
    Guild Name Reservation - 1 Name reserved
    Monster Tokens x 5 - Elite Tier
    Unique "Braver of Worlds" forum badge
    Unique in-game character title "Braver of Worlds"

    Plus all previous rewards!

    (info brought to you straight from the kickstarter page of AoC)

    I want 500$ for it, no negotiations, I want the money I put in it back, and I also want to split the cost of a middle man with you (the buyer) in case of interest.
    The key you will receive can be applied on any account you wish and is redeemed on the AoC website

    you can reach me on my email [email protected] or here on the playerup forums

    If you want to lower the price don't even contact me, don't even think about contacting me, and if you can't afford or see yourself using a middleman, the same rules apply, don't even think of contacting.

    Thank you
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