Selling Selling lvl 90 dark summoner accout wit AAA...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bee Rogers, 2/22/13.

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  1. Bee Rogers

    Bee Rogers
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    Selling lvl 90 dark summoner accout wit AAA erasing wind ventus atk 4349 def5012 hp 7947 bp 100 it is a lvl 1 will lvl if price is right
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    Bee Rogers

    Bee Rogers
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    Post here or send message
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    Bee Rogers

    Bee Rogers
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    wats your offer
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    Bee Rogers

    Bee Rogers
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    got a pycho brute team gunna be left on it with 10 other random A/love you
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  5. OP
    Stephen Jones

    Stephen Jones
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    This just bugs me that what is to keep someone from just getting their account back afterwards since code and email are tied
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    Stephen Jones

    Stephen Jones
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    You get stolen from twice, once on trade when they take account back, and second time when all the stuff you send to the account are gone
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  7. PlayerUp

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    Stephen Jones

    Stephen Jones
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    pretty much deserve it if you fall for these kinds of deals
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