Selling Selling Conquest and duel masters Account /2 oddeseys!, 350 skins / Nearly all limited

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by benji007, 12/1/17.

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  1. benji007

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    Hey, I'm a former competitive smite player and I would like to sell my account.

    As I said in the title I own The Archon Thanatos Oddesey from S1 and the Thor RFX Odessey from S2. I also have The masters Conquest border which is very rare. I have a ton of exclusive skins and nearly all the limited skins. I probably spent around 900Eu on this account so if you add that up with the competitive items and nearly all the pro's on the friendslist it becomes a really valuable account. The account is level 147 and has an Insane amount of rank rank X gods.

    Which is why im all about transparancy, feel free to ask me Screenshots or to Screenshare with you trough skype. I'd even have a game with you to show you i'm real!

    If you're intrested feel free to contact me:

    [email protected] (email)
    Benjamin.callewaert1 ( skype)
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