Looking to sell my account, I'll login daily for rewards still and improve the account along the lines. Features: +12 SR Bow with ideal sub stats Physical Attack 1075 Adena Gain + 4.90% Exp Gain + 4.90 End Game Boots SR RARE and Light Armor +8 ideal substats as well Evasion 1,539 1.81% Most skills are leveled up, all passives and buffs are maxed. In top 10 guild with daily fire place and clan dungeon. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1512092437/kdivblaqeaizacs7dfdj.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1512092441/w71poabgdkd7aphujawp.jpg PM me here or on line at :itzsheng