Selling Eu prophecy 7k + gs! Crazy attk speed! Darkrunner/hexwarden experimental

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dangas, 11/30/17.

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  1. dangas

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    Today im selling my Europe ArcheAge account. On the account I have a 7021 gearscore melee account (Darkrunner) Epic Leather Obsidian T6 Set and 2x legend parts with crazy amount of attk speed and nice collections of rare/event items! The account is mine, from start. Im the first and only owner of it, I have all the account informations for it.

    Let's get started with MAIN gear:

    All the classes are maxed on level 55, and it's currently on Ancestral level 7 inside Lvl 8 Guild Haranya Alliance.
    Character builded on attk speed and animation cancel mainly plus crit rate and crit dmg- 476 attk speed based, 670 attk speed on 3x inspired stacks up to 1067 attk speed (48.4%) on all actives items with Kindled Spirit pet.

    Now, let's go into more detailed list of the rest:

    Legendary Tempest Seastorm Tricorn (D10 Cap Move Speed +2%- stack up to 5x, Crit Rate +3%, Backstab Dmg +4%, 6/6 +10 Attk gems, 60 Attk speed total, AGI +9 lunastone)
    Divine Hellfire Dancing Queen (Mainhand 5/7 +285 Focus gems, 2/7 Melee Crit Dmg +4% gems, Increase Melee Critical Bonus +9%, Melee Skill Dmg +2% lunastone)
    Celestial Dark Watcher's Dagger (Offhand 5/6 +285 Focus gems, 1/6 Melee Crit Dmg +4% gem, Gradually Increase Melee Critical Rate +20% for 20 sec, Melee Skill Dmg +2% lunastone) The rest of the gear is on screenshots/calculator.

    Battle Fae (Mythic Main Costume + Orchidna's Dream Lunastone)
    Melee Black Pearl Undergarments (Eternal Main Undergarments 3/4 3x Attk Speed 7 Gems + 1/4 1x Attk Speed 4 Lunascale and +15 STR lunastone on it.
    Merchant Costume Trade (Move Speed +3%, XP Gain From Labor +5%, Decreases Commerce time -8%, Grants Mana Fuel Injection better buff for Red Farm Freighter)
    Immortal Guardian's Robes (Costume)
    Pure Sky Dynasty Robes (Costume)
    Sea Krait Swimsuit (Costume)
    Victory Ball Attire (Costume)

    Lullaby Pajama Set (4 parts)
    Sweet Dreams Bed

    Rare Enhanced Legendary Dragon Wings: Turning (Red dragon glider with dragonfire skill)
    Dawnbreak Dove (Founder Pack glider)

    Cloudstrike Panther 12.3 m/s (2k prestige guild shop and main mount with best gems in legguards)
    Mirage Snowlion 11.4 m/s (Secondary mount for invul & dash)
    White Reindeer (Mount)
    Mirage Donkey (Mount - rare donkey)
    Black Donkey (Mount- donkey)
    Blackscale Pangolin (Mount)
    Coalmane Snowlion (Mount)
    Fleetpaw Bjorne (Mount)
    Cyanfin (Marine Mount - Dolphin)
    Kindled Spirit (Powerstone pet increase attk speed +35, on use increase owner Attack and Healing Power +10% for 9 sec)
    Violet Bloomfang (Powerstone pet increase max health +1500, on use decreases owner Received Damage -30% for 3 sec)
    Grim Reaver (Event battlepet)
    Blacksabrefang (Battlepet - 5% move speed for 60 sec buff cat)
    Razer Snek (Battlepet)
    Black Wolfhound (Battlepet)
    Ember Nymph (Battlepet)
    Steelspine Thornboar (Battlepet)
    Grumpytree (X Mas Rare Deco Pet)

    Gazebo Farm
    Improved Scarecrow Farm Design
    Storage Silo
    Otherworld Storage
    War Drum
    Scroll: Old Rowboat
    Scroll: Adventurer's Clipper
    Scroll: Red Farm Freighter (29 Eco Fuel, 16 bound)
    Scroll: Ironclad (505 Siege Ammo, 1000 Steel Ammo)
    Baktehan's Swimfins (increases swim speed +30%, +12% swim speed lunastone)
    Seasong Earring x2 (increases swim speed +10%)
    Honor's Mighty Frienzied Nodachi (Upgraded honor nodachi for berserk)
    Unique Heartless Warrior's Guards (For Increase Melee Attk +5% for 15 sec active)
    Heroic Arcadian Sea Pillager (Kraken spear for pulls)
    Basic Ballad of Auramancy (Auramancy Lute for Health Lift Rank 5)
    Dragon Ward Ring (For Red Dragon)
    Dazzling Dawnsdrop Cap (Handicraft, Tailoring and Artistry proficiencies +15k)
    Dewy Dawnsdrop Belt (Cooking, Printing and Husbandry proficiencies +10k)
    Radiant Dawnsdrop Guards (Alchemy, Leatherwork and Farming proficiencies +20k)

    1847 Warrior's Medal (u will be able to exchange it for honor soon)
    220 Gilda Stars
    140 Merit Badge
    102 Loyalty Tokens
    55300 Vocation Badges
    28893 Honor Points
    49 Prestige
    144/200 Acid Goblet (Erenor mats u can use for cloak or anything)
    119/200 Cursed Armor Scrap (Erenor mats u can use for cloak or anything)
    87 Sunpoints
    56 Moonpoints
    67 Starpoints
    7 Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll (3 bound)
    19 Green Regrade Charm
    7 Blue Regrade Charm
    20 Bound Accessory Regrade Scroll
    2 Bound Armor Regrade Scroll
    1 Bound Pet Accessory Regrade Scroll
    4 Synthium Soap (Refreshing costumes/undergarments)
    1 Epic Bound Radiant Synthium Shard
    4 Heroic Bound Lucid Synthium Shard
    13 Rare Vivid Synthium Shard (8 bound)
    4 Clear Synthium Shard (3 Bound)
    1x 3 Day Language Boost
    18 Brinebound Rock
    9 Kadum's Bark
    3 Chilled Seafoam
    1 Jola's Scale
    20 Iron Armor Fragment
    27 Ancestral Warrior Medal
    2k Malevolent Obsidian
    175 Glowing Prism
    285 Heat of Eternal Summer
    159 Lunarite
    48 Red Dragon Jewel
    1 Homecoming Vehicle Coin
    18 Player Appreciation Coin
    10 Gift Coin
    5 Bugira's Coin
    Some Cherry, Ghostwedding, Hallowtide, Pawesome, Winter Maiden leftover coins from Festivals
    Pet Accessories Materials( 246x Rank 1, 200x Rank 2, 12x Rank 3, 6x Rank 4, 73x Rank 5, 19x Rank 6)
    Library and Dungeon mats which you can see on screens
    Lots of pots, buffs and consumables from events (All buffs needed for a "fullbuff" + extras and hp/mana food/pots, character rdy for pvp/war)
    68 Adventurer's XP Boost Potion
    39 Bound Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
    7 Bound Vocation Expertise Tonic
    1395 Abyssal Shards
    General Title (highest PVP honor points title ingame) Abyssal Archeologist (10% Swim speed), Enlighted ArcheMaster (-5% Skill Mana Cost), Elementally Talented and other titles.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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