Hey is anyone in Aion Na - Katalam wiling to buy kinah? I can sell it cheaper than what sites sell it. At the moment OKAYGOLD sells 1 billion for 25$ I can go lower like 20$ and if you take a lot I can go as low as 15$. I have about 10 billion at the moment and OKAYGOLD offered me to buy it for 10$ per billion but they sell it for 25$ so I guessed it would be better to skip them so I can make something ore and you pay something less. Just send me a private message if you are interested. The payment has to be done by paypal and I will have to take screenshots to have proof in case someone is feeling clever and wants to open a case. Name of characters need to be mention in the transaction as well. Just don't use your main char, and it is only for paypal protection.