Selling Selling 255 Criminal, 212 Criminal and 255 Enforcer (Stuffed account)

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by robloxmvp, 11/30/17.

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  1. robloxmvp

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    SERVER EUROPE (Citadel)

    Total hours played on account 4,087

    100,000+ Kills on account, 96,789 G1C spent
    All loyalty rewards unlocked

    5 Characters on account but 2 of them are insignificant
    Images below on Imgur link

    Payment method via PayPal is only acceptable. "Friends & Family" transferring option only!


    Account wides

    N-HVR 243-SD PR2 Permament Account Wide
    Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2 Permament Account Wide
    N-TEC 5 Dvah Permament Account Wide
    S-247 'Oblivion' Account Wide
    ATAC 424 "Patroller" Account Wide
    VBR 'Temptress' Account Wide
    OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' RT1 Account Wide
    Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan' Account Wide
    AR-97 'Misery' Account Wide
    H-9 'Curse' Account Wide
    CBMP-45 'Bolt' Account Wide
    PSR 'Harrier' R&D III Account Wide
    SG-21 'Strife' Permament Account Wide
    STAC 10 - Scope R&D III Permament Account Wide
    AMG-556 'Medusa' (Legendary)
    VBR 'Huntress' (Legendary)
    OSCAR NFCP 3 Permament Account Wide
    Joker TAS20 - Stock Permament Account Wide
    Norseman 'Hoenir' Permament Account Wide
    Joker C9 'Wasp' Permament Account Wide
    S1-NA 'Manic' Permament Account Wide
    N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1 Permament Account Wide
    S1-TIC 'Rabid' Permament Account Wide
    S1-FA 'Frenzy' Permament Account Wide
    Joker SR315 Carbine 3 Slot Permament Account Wide
    SBSR 'IRS' Permament Account Wide
    Colby M-1922 Mk3 Permament Account Wide
    AMG-556 'Euryale' Permament Account Wide
    SHAW 556 R&D III Permament Account Wide
    Joker TAS20 Permament Account Wide
    N-SSW 74 Permament Account Wide
    VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3 Permament Account Wide
    Agrotech DMR-AV PR2 Permament Account Wide
    Colby CSG-20 PR1 Permament Account Wide
    PDW-57 'Stiletto' Permament Account Wide
    OBIR NFCP 3 Permament Account Wide
    N-ISSR-B 'Dog-Ear' Permament Account Wide
    VAS-C2 PR3 'Trouble Maker' Permament Account Wide
    Shredder SB R&D III Permament Account Wide
    NTEC 7 'Ursus' Legendary
    Colby CSG-20 RT1 Permament Account Wide
    OCA Nano 'Connoisseur'

    Character wides

    JG-1040 Tactical 2 Slot Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    OCA Nano 'Chrome' Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Agrotech ACES Rifle R&D III Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    OCA-EW 626 Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    STAR 556 'Love-Gun' Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Joker CR-5 PR2 (HS3 IR3) Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)


    Colby 45. AP Permament Account Wide
    ACT 44 GM PR1 Permament Account Wide
    R2 'Harbringer' Permament Account Wide
    Obeya FBW-SD Permament Account Wide
    ACT 44 "Last Stand" Permament Account Wide
    Joker RFP-9 "Talon" Permament Account Wide
    Joker RFP-9 "Fang" Permament Account Wide
    FR0G 'Kokoe' Permament Account Wide
    Mountie 'Northwest' Permament Account Wide


    Packer Toreador V141A4 (Customizable) (4 Open Slots) Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Vegas G24 4x4 (Customizable) (4 Open Slots) Permament Account Wide
    Vegas G20 4x4 "Gumshoe" Permament Account Wide
    Vegas G20-04 "Firebomb" Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Vegas G20 "Birth Racing" 4x4 Permament Account Wide
    Growl S4 (4 Open Slots) Permament Account Wide
    Seiyo Mammoth V4 (Customizable) (4 Open Slots) Permament Account Wide
    Rapier S4 "Brood" Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Street Krew Lookout Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Nulander Nomad Q134 (4 Open Slots) Permament Account Wide
    Bishada Mako (Customizable) (4 Open Slots) Permament Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Mini Cooper (2 Open Slots) Permament Tradeable Character Wide (Character 1/3)
    Cisco Z180 "New-Cross" Permament Account Wide

    + All 3 characters have a total of 1.84 million Ingame money
    + All Growl kits
    + 2 Vehicle kits on Vegas (Character 1/3)
    + Firehawk Vegas kit Permament Account Wide (from Refer a Friend)

    + A lot of mods (weapon mods mainly) across all three characters
    + A lot of clothing packs owned but ONLY on Character 1/3
    + A lot of weapon skins, Revelation pack account wide weapon skins, Casino skin pack (unsure if account wide, Character 1/3 atleast)

    Account also contains clothing/weapons/weapon skins that are not obtainable anymore. (Example VBR Temptress, Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2)

    Images of said account and proof (Warning: Image heavy:

    Don't expect me to sell this too cheap, as it is very stuffed and I've spent way too much on it.
    Add me on Steam for discussion. Currently looking for 100€ (euros) mininum.

    I don't have any special reputation but we can find a middleman if needed.

    Payment method via PayPal is only acceptable. "Friends & Family" transferring option only!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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