Selling Selling 4900 paragon us- rank 1 dps 4 man, 140+ dps gems, 120+ augments 1000$

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CatDaddy12, 11/27/17.

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  1. CatDaddy12

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    Selling my account, real life stuff keeping me too busy.

    4900 Paragon, full ancient sets of most sets in the game, 1500+ keys, 700+ bounty mats of each bounty

    NA Sever

    Currently rank 1 DPS necro, my firebats could also easily dps rank 1

    Currently rank 3 solo monk, GG gear in stash and mule that could go top ten for most solo classes currently in the # Here is the battlenet link to my profile

    140 TRAPPED
    140 ZEIS
    140 ENFORCER
    139 TEAGUK
    140 Stricken

    Looking for 1000$

    If interested we can talk more through email or skype. Open to using paypal to recieve payment. Happy to answer any questions. Contact me [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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