Sold [WTS] Selling High Rank Account, Jackpot Weapons, Red ticket guns, Limited edition guns!

Discussion in 'Alliance of Valiant Arms Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dexteritize, 11/26/17.

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  1. Dexteritize

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    I'm selling a high rank account. It's a 4 star general account. It has all the jackpot weapons from mega cap seasons and fortune star seasons, every red ticket and blue ticket gun, and limited edition guns/items. Here is a link of my screenshots for my account: I am asking to get atleast $100-200 usd for my account. We can use a middleman at your cost or you can go first. Here is some additional info about my account:

    12k wins 4k losses
    2.70 S/D
    4 million euro
    5k red tickets
    4 star general rank

    If you are interested please add me on skype: foreverfruity
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