Sold Selling Account S6 reward, command trone, overchair, manhunter, cathar warstaff etc...

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vjokz, 11/26/17.

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  1. vjokz

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    Hi, I am selling this acc with a lot of rare/expensive things

    Marauder 70 208 gear + augs
    S6 weapons

    Operative 70 208 gear
    S6 weapon

    Sorcerer 70 208 gear

    Jugg 70 208 gear

    Powertech 70 208 gear

    Merc 70

    Guardian 70 208 gear + augs

    Scoundrel 70

    There is more than 1M credits blocked


    Legacy 50
    12k achiev
    All of the characs are on TRE and one free charac of your choice lvl60 or
    Plus 850 CC

    For the most of them they are unlock for the acc There are a lot off things I didn't show on screen

    And a lot of pets, toys etc...
    Pm me for more info and send me your offers, I am not asking a high price :p
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