1. Date Dispute Happened November 24, 2017 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value $211.14 USD 4. Other Parties Username MeverMore 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment PayPal 6. Order information/ Title/Game Lords Mobile. 95m might. 86m core might. 10 gold heroes. 200d speed up. Hello, Last night i was searching for a lords mobile account and found one that i had liked and just impulsively hit the buy now button and sent the money through a paypal transaction (Total Purchase amount $211.14. Afterwards i noticed there was messages on the post and scrolled through them and noticed that the account has already been sold to another buyer. I do not believe this is the sellers fault in general but i have contacted him on the chat app LINE he said he didnt know what could be done. I am coming here today to see if this transaction can be reversed. Any payment information or documentation stating i purchased with paypal or anything thats needed i can provide if needed.