Selling Selling CHEAPER GEMS

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by iDoky, 11/23/17.

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  1. iDoky

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    Im selling smite gems i live in Turkey my english not good much Payment medhod will be steam walled code because there is no Paypal in Turkey i will send me code with ur account id and password then ill buy ur gems
    Add my Instagram. :whiteniggas55 thx

    800 Gems - 5$
    1500 Gems - 8$
    2500 Gems - 10$
    3500 Gems - 16$
    8000 Gems - 28$
    God Pack - 13$

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is % 100 safe btw and offer for just blackfriday
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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