Want an acc with at least 2or3 epics

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    Want to buy an acc with at least 2or3 epics real offers

    Line id:balla777


    I have 6 epics, 5 are maxed level, 258 gems, see my offer on the forum. You name the price (if it's serious!)

    my line agnieszka198819

    have lazerbone vanguard +

    moontide Platemail

    2 maelstorm Irons

    Aegis of the Dragon+

    have all premium building

    post here your price or send msg on line i dont want high profit for this account 50-100$

    I've got the perfect account. Level 127 with 23 epics. One of each combination of elements and a few duplicates. I've spent a lot of money on this account though. I'm looking for more around $200-$500 Considering I spent a little over $1,000 dollars on this account. How about $400. It's 3/4 less then the amount spent on the accounts actual worth.
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